3 Jun 2009

Love to get away

I decided to enter a contest with a travel agency. Could win a Caribbean cruise for 4 people. I know the odds aren't in my favour, but why not =p http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/142/14294513/vids_1.html

1 Jun 2009


I've been watching the coverage of E3 with Ryan today.

The Microsoft press conference was cool. They announced a lot of stuff! One that I'm really excited for is The Beatles Rock Band! =D It comes out September 9th. I like the art style and it'll be so much fun to sing the songs! They've actually added the option for harmonies! How cool is that?!
They also announced NATAL. It's pretty much an xbox home entertainment system WITH NO CONTROLLER! It reads 3D movements, voice & facial recognition and offers insane stuff! You can watch movies immediately (no downloading) and go on facebook and twitter. They showed this program (I think his name was Milo). A young boy on the screen who recognizes your voice, your face, responds to everything you do. You hold a piece of paper with a drawing on it and the camera recognizes it, then suddenly milo is holding the paper and tells you what the drawing is, of what color, etc... It's INSANE! Kinda creeps me out a bit =p

They showed a little bit of HALO ODST. Looks cool. I may not be good at the games, but I very much enjoy HALO. They also showed HALO: Reach. Not much on it. Just a snippet. But I have a feeling it'll be epic! =D

The biggest chills though were for a game EA showed. Star Wars: Old Republic! OMG! The trailer is soooo EPIC! I had chills! It's like a movie! Once a good quality video of it goes up, I will post the link. So badass! =D