25 May 2009

I'm lost...

I still have NO idea what to do this coming September. It's on my mind everyday! I just want it settled and done with. But it's so hard to just say "okay, this is it!".

The thought of going back to Mohawk honestly brings me right down. I'm dreading it. And it's only May! I definitely don't belong/fit in there. Definitely not as passionate as the other students there.

But I only have one more year (maybe). And my folks really want me to finish. My dad's just really excited to have me living with him. And to be honest, I love the idea of it too. Not having to worry about siblings and my mum =p I will miss my Dougal though. Thank goodness he's only up the road from me.

I'm going onto campus on Wednesday morning. Gonna head over to the Geography department and figure out my requirements for applying.

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